Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Asparagus Quiche

Seasonal eating plays a large part in my quest for eating and cooking healthier.  Food tastes so much better, is not shipped halfway across our country and valuable nutrients aren't lost to long storage or shipping times.  Right now asparagus is making it's way to farmer's market and local stores and the fresh vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrients.  It's a good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A,C,E and K and rich in chromium a trace mineral.  It has anti-imflammatory properties and also an antioxidant. 

I never met a pie I didn't love and savory ones are no expection.  Once you have the pie crust formed putting together this quiche takes just minutes.  I like to prebake my crust for about 5-7 minutes in a hot oven so the crust comes out nicely browned and firm on the bottom and not soggy.  Eggs, milk or half & half along with seasonings are whisked together and poured into the crust.  Asparagus is added halfway through the bake time to keep it firm.  This quiche can be eaten hot from the oven, but I prefer it room temp or even cold from the fridge and eaten out of hand, which makes it a perfect addition to a spring picnic.

Fresh Asparagus Quiche

1 9 inch pie crust
4 eggs
1 cup whole milk or 1/2 & 1/2
1 t. salt
1 c. cheddar cheese
1/2 lb. fresh asparagus (blanched 1 minute)

Whisk eggs, milk, salt & cheese and pour into crust.  Bake in preheated 350 oven for 10 minutes.  Chop asparagus and add to quiche or place spoke fashion on top.  Bake anover 20-25 minutes until nicely browned.  Serve warm or cold.

1 comment:

  1. too bad you didnt have those gigantic asparagus like we did last weekend! Haha I love all the fresh food this season. Looks good!
