Sunday, February 12, 2012

Morning Glory Muffins

In our quest for healthier eating this year, I'm taking old recipes and reducing fat and sugar where I can.  It was fairly easy with these muffins but I wasn't sure I could keep the good taste coming.  I cut the oil by half (replaced with applesauce) and sugar by a third.  I reduced the eggs to only one and replaced one cup of flour with whole wheat.   I was surprised by how good these were - much moister than original recipe with more flavor. 

These muffins pack a wollop of goodness in them - grated carrots, apples, walnuts, raisins and coconut.  Pecans and sunflower seeds would be good too as would a sprinkling of turbinado sugar on top.  I won't be going back to my old recipe.

Morning Glory Muffins

1 egg
1/2 c. oil
1/2 c. applesauce
3/4 c. brown sugar
1 c. flour
1 c. whole wheat flour
2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
2 t. cinnamon
2 c. grated carrots
1 grated apple
1/2 c. coconut
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
1/2 c. raisins (soaked in hot water & drained)
2 t. vanilla extract

Whisk egg, oil and applesauce in mixing bowl.  Beat in sugar and gradually add flours and baking soda.  Stir in carrots, apple, coconut, raisins and nuts along with extract.  Fill muffin tins full and bake at 375 for approximately 20-25 minutes.  Yields 12 large muffins

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