Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lebanese Cabbage Rolls

What to do with a languishing head of cabbage in my fridge?  My first thought was coleslaw but that requires pan-fried catfish as a go-along and that was not in my fridge.  I hadn't made cabbage rolls in a long time and it sounded really good.  I then decided to go the vegetarian route and make them  middle-eastern spiced.

Cabbage rolls can be time consuming since they require several different steps.  I try to do several at one time to speed things up.  While the rice was cooking for the stuffing, I boiled the cabbage leaves and chopped vegetables.  I had homemade tomato sauce in the freezer, so that elemented one step.  After vegetables are sauted and the rice and cabbage are cooked, just wrapping them remains.

Rice, garlic, onion, zucchini. green pepper and craisins.  Cinnamon and allspice added for the middle-eastern taste.

Roll and tuck leaves and filling as tightly as possible and place seam side down in large casserole.  Top with sauce and bake 350 for 30 minutes.

I didn't follow a recipe, but if anyone is interested I can probably come up with something fairly close.  The problem with vegetarian meals is they just don't fill you up like meat.  John and I ate over half this pan for supper.

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